A Dark Day for Bodily Autonomy

The hammer blow to Roe v Wade

This drastic and entirely anticipated move to overturn Roe v Wade is not just a travesty for those in the US who support abortion as healthcare, but will have ripples across the world.

Conservatives across the world often take inspiration from each other and we only need to look at LGBT+ rights and significant coordination across the world to undermine protections for LGBT+ people and other minority groups. Those who directly oppose and attempt to install barriers in the way of those seeking an abortion are no supporters of body autonomy.

The need or choice to have an abortion can arise suddenly and from an unseen and unexpected change in circumstances. We shouldn’t be facilitating, cheerleading and bartering with those who seek to remove body autonomy and criminalise abortion and those who offer it.

If you don’t want an abortion then don’t have one, but don’t construct barriers and hurdles in the way of those who want or need one. Moves to restrict abortion will serve only to force patients to take additional risks by surrendering themselves to back room abortion practitioners who, although meaning well, may put the patients health and life at risk by performing the procedure or administering abortifacients in a manner or within a venue which isn’t suitable to respond to any unexpected emergencies.

History shows us just how much danger can arise from backstreet abortions. The criminalisation meant patients would often avoid seeking emergency medical assistance in the event of complication. This reluctance and the resulting delay could cost people their lives.

Thousands of miles may lay between here and the US, but it is folly to think this will have little or no impact here. The ‘values’ and zeal driving this latest attack on body autonomy are not restrained by national borders.